Terms of use

  1. Agreement
    By accessing the homepage of BRUSA Hypower AG (hereinafter referred to as BRUSA Hypower AG) and its links on the Internet, you declare that you have understood the following legal information and terms of use and that you accept them. If you have not understood the terms of use or do not accept them, please leave the BRUSA Hypower AG website.
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    The entire content of the BRUSA Hypower AG website is protected by copyright (all rights reserved) and is the property of BRUSA Hypower AG. Downloading or printing out elements from the BRUSA Hypower AG website does not transfer any rights. The complete or partial reproduction of elements of the BRUSA Hypower AG homepage, regardless of the form, is only permitted if the sources are given.
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    The BRUSA Hypower AG website is only accessible to persons who are subject to a legal system that does not prohibit the publication of the content of the BRUSA Hypower AG website or access to the BRUSA Hypower AG website (regardless of the reasons). Please inform yourself about the relevant legal system in your country.
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    The content provided on the BRUSA Hypower AG website is for informational purposes only. They do not constitute a solicitation, an offer or a recommendation to buy or sell products or to carry out any other transactions. No advice is given on the BRUSA Hypower AG website. Information on the BRUSA Hypower AG website does not constitute a decision-making aid for legal, tax or other consulting questions. Therefore, let the experts at BRUSA Hypower AG advise you.
  5. No guarantee
    BRUSA Hypower AG takes every possible care to ensure the correctness and accuracy of the information provided. Nevertheless, BRUSA Hypower AG does not guarantee the correctness, accuracy, completeness and topicality of the information published on the homepage. BRUSA Hypower AG assumes no responsibility and gives no guarantee that the functions on the homepage are free of errors or will not be interrupted, that errors will be corrected or that this website or the respective server is free from harmful components (especially viruses).
  6. Liability
    In no case is BRUSA Hypower AG liable for loss or damage of any kind; This includes direct, special indirect consequential damage that could arise from or in connection with accessing, using, performing or querying the BRUSA Hypower AG website, even if BRUSA Hypower AG was advised of the possibility of such damage.
  7. Changes
    BRUSA Hypower AG reserves the right to change these terms of use. We therefore ask you to read these terms of use every time you access the BRUSA Hypower AG website and to check whether you also agree to the new version. If you have not understood one or more of the provisions of the current terms of use or do not accept them, we ask you to leave the homepage.
  8. Applicable Law
    Should a legal relationship arise between the visitor and BRUSA Hypower AG through the use of the homepage of BRUSA Hypower AG, this is subject to Swiss law. The exclusive place of jurisdiction is the registered office of BRUSA Hypower AG.